Coronavirus Update (3/24)
Yesterday, the Office of Governor signed an executive order directing individuals to stay home except for essential services and even then, at all times to maintain social distancing of at least six feet from individuals who are not members of their household.
Within these orders, Faith Lutheran Church is continuing to hold midweek Lenten service and will return to holding one divine service on Sunday morning at 10am, with special attention to appropriate social distancing as directed by our Governor.
We will also have Bible Study on Thursday in Hallelujah Hall and Sunday morning Bible class as normal at 8:45. Saturday Bible Study has been cancelled.
We want to continue to remind everyone that they should stay home if they are at all not feeling well or if you regard yourself to be at risk. A Service of the Word radio broadcast is heard on Sundays at 10am and 6pm on 94.3FM or
Whether we gather around His Word at the Lord’s House or around His Word at home, we gather in the communion of Saints just the same. May His Word guide us and lead us in these grey and latter days to the joys of everlasting life. Amen.