Are you scared of monsters? You should be! I don’t mean the monsters that come out of the closet or monsters that lurk in the dark. I’m talking about Monstrum incertitudinis which is Latin meaning “The Monster of Uncertainty” and it’s a phrase some of the old Latin theologians would sometimes use.
Rev. Evan Goeglein, Pastor of Faith Lutheran Church in Rogue River has announced the dates his latest Adult Instruction Class. The Adult Instruction Class is a free 12-week class that Pastor Goeglein offers at least once every year that covers the foundation teachings of Christian, from the Lutheran perspective in particular. This year’s class will meet on Thursdays at 6:30pm beginning September 7th and is located at the church at 8582 Rogue River Hwy. The class provides a friendly and comfortable place to learn the teachings of Faith Lutheran Church where questions are welcome and everyone has a good time. All materials needed are provided. For more information visit